Comfort Cozies
“Comfort Cozies” are designed to clothe a baby who has been stillborn, in a way that can provide care and compassion to the family at a very tragic and emotional time. We are incredibly grateful to the Home Hospice Association (HHA) volunteers who give their time and talent to make these Cozies.

It can be difficult to dress these little angels, especially if a parent wishes to visit with and hold their baby before burial. The Comfort Cozie design takes this wish into consideration and is suitable for a child of any size and “gestation age.”
HHA gives Comfort Cozies to Still Birth Doulas, hospitals and funeral homes. Because funeral homes usually deal directly with families, most Comfort Cozies are donated there so as to ensure that a Comfort Cozie may be offered when it's needed.
Our Comfort Cozies are completely free of charge. Most funeral homes offer stillborn burials as a free service, so it's important to us that both the funeral home and the family in need receive a Comfort Cozie as a small gift during this incredibly difficult time.