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Welcome to our first ever HHA blog!

Kim Hutten

We are so excited to be blogging for the very first time!

We have so much to tell you about our growing and exciting organization!

The past few months have brought on many changes; we have recruited more volunteers in the Cambridge and Guelph Regions and are very close to offering our services to each of the communities there.

The HHA members have been preparing for the exciting changes that will happen this year. We want 2017 to be the year where we launch in more cities across Ontario, engage our volunteers to take our Compassionate Care Training, and most importantly offer our services to people with terminal illness.

Ask us about out training programs which will be available online at the beginning of February 2017. This training will be required by all of our HHA program volunteers, to give them a wide range of topics related to providing compassionate quality care to our clients.

Each Community will work through program directors that will serve the community specifically with the HHA services that best fit their needs. Coordinating between the client and our volunteers.

In Kitchener, Cambridge, Guelph and Waterloo The Bello Project will be the HHA service that first delivers to the communities. The Bello Project looks after the pets of people with terminal illness.

We have several fundraiser community events coming up so stay tuned via our News And Events Page of the website for important information.

Looking forward to see you all in your home town. Let's work together to provide quality compassionate care to the people in our cities, to our friends, and to our families.


Kim Hutten

Regional Leader of Kitchener, Cambridge, Guelph and Waterloo

Kim Hutten and Akailah Wilson, two Volunteers with the HHA meeting at Google this week to talk about Community Engagement in the Waterloo Region.

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