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Heart and Hope

Krysta Farlow

Hello everyone, for those of you who don’t know me, my name is Krysta. My husband Neil and I lost our son on September 12th, 2017. He was born premature and fought for his life for 27 minutes. From the moment you have to say goodbye to your child, your life changes. Your heart hurts in a way its never hurt before. Nothing in life makes sense. You can try to keep your mind busy, but the reality is that you have just lost your child. you will never get to hold them again,hug them again, or kiss them again.

At this point in my life I didn’t know what to do, there was nothing that I could loose by attending the first class with Our Babies, Our grief group. It was the only group in Niagara that was available specifically for the loss of a baby or child.

There was something special about talking to a group of people who have dealt with a loss similar to yours. Hearing the way others felt and realizing you felt the same way. Talking about how other grieving parents find peace, and how they cope with things differently. For myself, while in the group, it was mentioned that some people find it therapeutic to do something in remembrance of their child, whether it be a craft or a certain activity.

That is when I decided to make bracelets. I named the bracelets Heart & Hope because the moment someone you love passes your heart becomes heavy, but somehow you have hope that things will get better. The bracelets honor all the babies and children who are no longer with us. To date I have sold over 100 bracelets in 3 months.

I want to thank Merri-Lee and Natalie for the support that they have given to us and many other parents and family members in Niagara. On behalf of my Husband Neil and I, we are honored to be donating $350 from the proceeds of the bracelets sold.

I just want to end by reading a quote that has really helped me in dealing with the loss of our son James. I hope it brings some comfort to you all.

It’s okay to miss them

It’s okay to say their name

It’s okay to cry

It’s okay to laugh

It’s okay to breath deeply

It’s okay to smile

It’s okay to function

It’s okay to have days you can’t function

It’s okay to be angry

It’s okay to be thankful

It’s okay to love again

It’s okay to remember

It’s okay to hope

It’s okay to be honest

It’s okay to trust again

It’s okay

Whether you’ve lost your baby through pregnancy, born still or as an infant, the Our Babies, Our Grief support group welcomes you to come and share your grief journey with other parents. For more information please visit or

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